Perhaps the best way to understand what is happening with the Plot action smoothing is to look at a simple example. This compares a data set that is smoothed with the average setting or the weighted setting.
The average setting uses a default of three values for a running average. This means that for a given X location the current Y value plus the two previous Y values are used in the average. Each one are given equal weights.
For at x = 3 with a running average,
y =( 1 + 1 + 3) / 3 = 1.6667
If you use the weighted average, you type in the weights you want. By default three weights are given (1,.5,.25), so three values are included in the calculation. The weights are applied from the current value, back to the prior values. Thus the current value gets more weight than the values further away.
For x = 3 with a weighted average,
y = [ 1(.25) + 1(.5) + 3(1) ] / 3 = 2.1429
Here is what it looks like graphically.
That said, I am not sure this is what you want. Other smoothing options that might be helpful are in the Fit command, for example the LOESS fit. If you are looking to find gaussians there is also a Peak finding option in the Beta version in the Fit command. Search the On-line examples for the file “Baseline” see how that works.
If you could send an example (image or paper) of what you mean by ‘add Gaussian resolution’ we might be able to give you an example.