Here is some made up data with the same element group you have shown.
To quickly plot, you can select the number column and the same data columns first. To do that. hold down the Command key and click each column header. This selects the entire column.
Next, you can use the Plots command. Select Command > Add Plots. This makes a black and white graph, but you can click the gear menu on the command to pick from color schemes, or change the color of each line manually.
(NOTE: You can also use multiple Plot commands by clicking the Plot command icon three times after selecting the data, but the Plots command has these built-in color suggestions that can be very useful for multiple lines.)
Next expand the Axis settings and change the X tick mark setting to Labels. This will give you two more options to specify the Label locations on the x axis, and the actual text, which here is the column “Symbol”. It also may require less Padding between the data and the end of the axis. Here it looks better to change the 5%.
Does this help?