Multiple graphs (split axis) with one combined graph (join axis)

DataGraph Forums Technical Support Support Desk Multiple graphs (split axis) with one combined graph (join axis)

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  • #4720

      Dear all,

      I am aware of the two options on how to create a plot with multiple graphs: split axis and graph for compostion. I want to combine a plot with multiple graphs (used ‘split y-axis’ for 5 times), where one of the graps is a combined graph (used first ‘split y-axis’ and then I used ‘join Y’ command). How can I add this combined graph as one out of 5?

      Is the only way to use the ‘graph for composition’ command? In my case this would be labour intensive, because I have to create quite some plots, and also it is hard to get the exact overlapp, because the graph from ‘join Y’ has on the right and on the left ‘y numbers’


        To make this work, try setting the spacing to exact values so you know the dimensions of the x-y plotting area for the individual graphs.  Then create the graph that uses the Split and Join separately, setting the margins to “0”.

        Here is what this looks like, where the fifth graph is added using a Graphic command to the panel graph.


        In the panel graph, the things you need to set are:

        • the overall size — “5in,8in”
        • the overall margins — “1in”
        • the space between the graphs “0.25in”


        The full entry for the Space below is not shown in the screen shot above, but it is set to “0.25in” for each split axis.

        Now the size of the individual box can be calculated and the other graph is created with these layout settings, where the margins are set to zero.


        The axis labels will not show in the graph (since the margins are zero), but they will show when you include it in the panel graph.

        When the graph is added using the graphic command, it will be placed perfectly in the box.

        If you want some flexibility, set the dimensions to variables.  Then you can re-calculate the size of the graph you are inserting on the fly every time the dimensions of the graph are changed.

        Hope this helps!




          Thanks for your detailed answer!

          Your suggested solution is not working for me. I set the overall size to 180mm,180mm. Margin on the left: 65mm, margin on the right: 20mm. 180-65-20 = 95 mm. Shouldn’t the width of the other graph (the graph which contains only 1 plot) be 95 mm? 95 mm seems to be wrong. I have to set it to 137 mm in order that it is similar.

          In your answer you set the space in between to 0.25in, is this really inch? Because if I move my mouse over the box it says “Specify the spac in pixels”. How do I know the pixel size? Can I enter there also mm?

          Is there really no other solution to this whole problem? E.g. add an additional axis and assign a plot to this axis? This would be a fast and easy solution


            Based on your description, it sounds like 95mm would work, as long as the margins are also set to ‘0’.  If you could send a screen shot or email us the file, it might be easier to see what is happening.

            If you enter numbers these measurements without a unit (eg., 200,200) that will be interpreted as pixels, but you can also enter as units of measure (mm, cm, in).  If you export the graph to a word processing document or printed the image, these are the actual distances/sizes.

            Here is another example…

            The first graph has one blank panel where we will insert the graph with the blue background.  The dimensions set so the width and height of the graph region can be calculated.


            For the graph we want to insert, set the width + height to those dimensions. You can enter the mathematical expression in the entry box to do the calculation.


            Go back to the panel graph.  To create the graphic command, drag and drop the thumbnail into the command list and set to the correct location. The latest version of DG (4.6) allows you drag and drop the thumbnails, to make it easier to combine.



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          DataGraph Forums Technical Support Support Desk Multiple graphs (split axis) with one combined graph (join axis)