unusual behavior when setting tick mark stride?

DataGraph Forums Technical Support Bug reports unusual behavior when setting tick mark stride?

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  • #7078

      I’m using beta version 4.7.2.

      On this graph, I want the y axis to have major tick marks at 0, 1, and 2, and minor ticks at intervals of 0.2. The best way to do this seems to be to specify the major ticks in the main axis settings, and create an extra y axis with ticks at the smaller intervals. However, I have encountered two problems:

      1. I can’t get DG to draw any ticks at intervals other than 1, 0.5, or 0.1.

      2. Setting uniform spacing with a stride of 0.2 draws only major ticks at intervals of 1. No minor ticks are drawn. At strides of 0.3-0.9, major ticks are drawn at the specified strides, with minor ticks at intervals of 0.1.
      2a. When decreasing the order of magnitude of the stride, the ticks are drawn the same as described above…without the order of magnitude of the tick intervals changing (e.g., stride at 0.02 = major ticks at intervals of 1 with no minor; 0.05 = major ticks at intervals of 0.5 and minor at 0.1).

      I’m including a couple of screenshots to illustrate.

      dg ticks -2

      dg ticks -5

      So…stride seems kind of buggy. Also, I’m not sure if there’s a better way to customize my major and minor tick preferences…let me know if there is. Thanks!


        The only way to exactly control the major and minor ticks would be to enter them with the Specified setting.


        For the Uniform setting, the stride that is applied will be higher when the program thinks it can’t fit the tick marks.  We added an example here to illustrate.


        Hope this helps for now.  We are going to add more options for the minor tick marks to give you more control.

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      DataGraph Forums Technical Support Bug reports unusual behavior when setting tick mark stride?