Free DataGraph Webinars!

We have recently started offering free on-line webinars.

We are currently offering two types of webinars. First, we have a new user webinar to helps users get started with the program.

We will also be offering webinars that are more advanced or focus on a particular topic. This week we are going to talk about using DataGraph to analyze COVID-19 data sets.

Register Below!

Schedule Week of May 11th

DataGraph New User Webinar

Tuesday May 12th at 10:00AM EST

DataGraph New User Webinar

Thursday May 14th at 2:00PM EST

Analyzing COVID-19 Data using DataGraph

Friday May 15th at 11:00AM EST

Analyzing COVID-19 Data Using DataGraph: Learn how to analyze time series data and explore COVID-19 datasets. This webinar will compare datasets from the John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and the World Health Organization.

During the webinar, we will compare and contrast the data formats used by these agencies. You will learn how to import data from different formats and how best to update the data.

Presented By: Pamela B. Schultz, Ph.D.






One response to “Free DataGraph Webinars!”

  1. eric alvarez Avatar
    eric alvarez

    For Friday the 15th, is it really 11:00 PM? : ) Not AM?

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