I commonly deal with datasets that have 40 or so rows, and plot similar things (e.g., two elements such as Sr and Zr) against one another, overlaying data from several datasets. So I’ll have various point plot commands in the window, add a dataset, and copy a plot command. To change the source of the data I then have to pull down the X menu, scroll way down to the new dataset (which might be 40 rows down), hover to open the new menu, then carefully run the cursor up the new menu to my selection. The mouse movement describes a tall, narrow “U” (see image). The second menu is so narrow that I typically run the cursor out of it and have to start over. If either (1, preferably) the submenus were sticky, so that you could open them and they’d stay open until you made a selection, or (2) wider, this would be a lot easier.
I’ve done this action perhaps 50 times on the composite figure I’m currently preparing. If there is a better way I’d love to hear it.