pie chart – restrict legend inclusion by mask values

DataGraph Forums Technical Support Support Desk pie chart – restrict legend inclusion by mask values

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  • #4816
    achim geiszler

      Hi there! I am trying to make a pie chart that shows the “main players”, i.e. filter by relative contribution. The basic chart is O.K., but the legend is giving me a headache. I stop drawing the slices for contributions below 1.49 %, this gives a good pie chart with approx. 8 contributing “players”. But, there are some additional 30 or 40 players that are included in the legend and this is a nuisance. Any ideas how to also filter the legend? Couldn’t find anything in the help. Thanks. Best, Achim


        I set up a small example. Here is the data.


        This data results in a pie chart with a lot of small entries.

        The Mask column can be used to create a new column where the Labels only include entries where the Value is above some criteria.


        The masked column is chosen for the ‘Names’ entry in the Pie command.  That will limit the labels on the Pie itself.  If you include a Legend, that will also show the masked list.


        Does something like this work for your case?


        achim geiszler

          Hi! Thanks for the pointer, the “label mask” type of variable was new to me. The first part of your suggestion, i.e. making a masked or reduced column works well, for me.

          ((I tried adding screen-shots, but that didn’t work))

          The second part does not, for some reason. In the pie chart, I still need to add a filter of the values (below w/o) and I am not getting any legend at all, now (neither “normal” nor via “custom legend”).

          ((I tried adding screen-shots, but that didn’t work))

          The columns I am using are grouped and are themselves results from an evaluation of the actual data table, but that shouldn’t be an issue, I would think. Any ideas what could be wrong?



            Hi Adam,

            Hard to say what is happening without seeing the file.  Maybe you could email the file to us.  There is a link to send an email under the Help menu in DataGraph.

            Also would be interested to know what error you had in posting an image.


            achim geiszler

              Hi dgteam,

              the issue with trying to add images was that it simply did not work to “submit” – there was no message at all (no “error”). As soon as I removed the images, submitting immediately worked. I tried both .jpg and .png. I am on Safari.

              I sent my file … thanks for any ideas.



              achim geiszler

                Topic closed – final issues were version-related / bugfix-related.

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              DataGraph Forums Technical Support Support Desk pie chart – restrict legend inclusion by mask values