New Article About Satellites

DataGraph Forums General User Showcase New Article About Satellites


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    charles phillips

      I would still be happy to hear suggestions about how to pick colors for dots.

      I would also like to talk about how to get a value for the slope.

      Jean-Yves Le Stang


        I suggest you proceed as follows – see picture attached:

        1. Select the Epoch column and the RAAN column of the satellite, and make them a points command. Select the marker you like
        2. Click the colour selector of the Points Command and select the Colour Picker menu. This will bring forward Apple colour palette from witch…
        3. … select the picker then
        4. … Click in your satellite colour legend. The colour is then selected for your plot. Note that 3 and 4 are not DG specific and this a usual operation you perform on a Mac. Normally the plot markers are in the suitable colour.
        5. Go back to the Points Command and, in the top right gear menu, select the “Use in Fit Command” item.
        6. This will create a linear fit from the values of the RAAN column.  The fit command is then visible down in the command list and you can set various parameters as you like
        7. From the top right gear menu of the Fit Command, select “Extract as variable”/”Slope”
        8. The slope is extracted as a global variable in the variable section and will be updated when changes are made to the RAAN column. Provided that the Epoch column is in date format, the slope is degrees/second.

        Hope this is helpful despite the messy diagram..

        Satellite plot

        charles phillips

          Thanks!! Now I should clarify that I can choose different colors for different satellites – my question is how to pick colors that allow me to show several satellites and have the various pieces stand out from each other. Sometimes, especially in my other stories, the lines tend to look alike.

          For this article, I chose various colors to try to get it so you could distinguish one satellite from another.

          The guidance for getting the slope is greatly appreciated!!



          • This reply was modified 7 months ago by charles phillips.
          Jean-Yves Le Stang


            Regarding colour selection I suggest you use a “Color Scheme” as detailed in the knowledge database.

            I did not handle a lot this type of tool but I think you can assign with this method a different colour to each sat or group of sats, or type of load (payload, debris…). But you will need to create à “Points Command” for each of them and filter as necessary using Masks.

            Further help would need information about the structure of you data.

            Regarding color manipulation you can find an interesting recent demo from Pamela on Youtube at

            charles phillips

              Thanks again, I am looking at Masks. I hope to put a graph like:

              2017-072 Fengyun 3D

              In and get the slope for each line. IF they are from the same launch the slope should be very similar. So your directions for getting Slope will generate that from the RAAN column as indicated in Masks? I could just include one satellite at a time I guess. I am not very familiar with the Masks option.

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            DataGraph Forums General User Showcase New Article About Satellites