How to view the right most columns conveniently?

DataGraph Forums Technical Support Support Desk How to view the right most columns conveniently?


  • This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 months ago by dgteam.
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  • #14026

      When I have many columns of data in the table, the problem is that I have to adjust the left columns by hand to spare some space to the right columns on the screen. My way is to uncheck the Include box in the data pane allowing more space for the coming right columns. Do you have better fix?

      tom lawton

        Would it make sense to group some columns, so at least the Include checkbox could hide a whole bunch at once? It sort of gives the effect of split-window scrolling…


          Thanks. That’s what I’m doing for the moment.


            Have you tried using Focus mode?  This changes the UI to allow you to focus on either data or commands at one time and you can really view a lot of more data at once more easily.

            To try go to View > Focus Mode.

            Also if you want to hide and unhide many columns at once, select the columns (using the data table or the column list) then click the gear menu on the top left corner of the data table. Here you will find an option to ‘Hide all selected columns’. Otherwise you have to check them individually or use the group as suggested.



              Haven’t. It’s cool!


                Hi again, following the previous posts, glad to see the v5.4 adds zoom in and out functions to view the data table. I’m using my laptop with an extra keyboard and mouse. The convenient way to zoom in and out is to use the shortcut key combination, ‘⌘+>’ and ‘⌘+<‘. Unfortunately, my DG has no response by pressing both keys. Do you have any idea for this itch?


                  I see. The combo on my keyboard is ‘⌘+shift+>’ or ‘⌘+shift+<‘.

                  Screenshot 2024-09-21 at 09.46.43


                    Hi Peter,

                    I’m glad you found this! If you don’t have a touchpad, that is the only way to Zoom in or out.

                    FYI — We chose this keyboard combination to be consistent with other programs on the Mac.  For example, Pages, Numbers, and Keynote all use the same combination to zoom in and out.


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                  DataGraph Forums Technical Support Support Desk How to view the right most columns conveniently?