There are two settings that can impact the location of the tick marks in the automatic settings, the font size and the graph size. So one recommendation is to have these set close to what you want in your final graph to see how the spacing looks. These settings are outlined in blue in the screenshot.
If you still want to change the minor tick mark spacing from the default, you can generate a column that has the spacing at the interval desired. Here we used an Expression column with the formula “(#-1)/4” where the # symbol is the row number. You’ll also have to enter the number of rows. You can go well beyond the data range as this will not effect that.
Have a second column where you type in the label you want for every major tick mark. This we did manually as there are not too many to add. This is in the column named “Major”.
In the Axis settings, the X tick marks are set to “Labels” and the two columns are selected as shown.
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