Currently there is no FFT functionality in DataGraph. A raw DFT as in complex numbers doesn’t fit into DataGraph because it would require a complex data column and operations and adding that is beyond the scope.
But that is not the only thing that could be used. Some might fit into the scope of DataGraph other into ImageTank. So some questions:
Are you ok with the signal being being length 2^n or 3^n? FFTW is pretty pricey for a non-academic license and it is hard to do a general purpose DFT (which is why it makes sense for FFTW to not be free). The OS however has the above prime powers already implemented. Of course a O(N^2) method isn’t slow for smaller numbers of N.
Are you looking for the magnitude vector. For N values that gives you the magnitude for N/2 first frequencies and really only the first few are “accurate”. In quotes because they are accurate in the discrete sense but if you look at signal perturbations the higher frequencies are very sensitive. For this what you really get are two columns, frequency and amplitude, and you need both if you want to draw that properly?
Do you want to use the DFT to filter a signal? For example apply a smoothing? So what you need is the action map->scale->inverse map. And if so what type of scaling expression are you looking for?
Is your signal unformly spaced? That is are you looking at this as a #-y or x-y data set?