Copy & paste in Data Panel

DataGraph Forums Technical Support Support Desk Copy & paste in Data Panel

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago by Jean-Yves Le Stang.
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  • #14514

      Hello. Is there a way to copy+paste nested columns/items in the Data Panel? I know we can do the copy+paste for each individual column, but when nested that doesn’t seem to work.

      Jean-Yves Le Stang

        Using 5.4.2 beta + Sonoma 14.6.1

        I have tested successfully like this:

        • Select the nested structure in the “Data Panel”.
        • go to the “Edit” menu
        • Select “Copy” or “Copy as text”
        • Go wherever you want to paste data in theData Panel
        • Then “Edit” + “Paste” (or “Paste Special”)

        The whole copied content will be pasted including the nesting structure.

        From what I experienced, when copying and pasting into the “Data Panel“, the nesting structure is kept, while when copying into theData Table” and pasting into theDataPanel“, only individual columns are pasted without the nesting structure.

        Basically for what you are looking for, make sure you select the content to be duplicated within the “Data Panel” . Note that:

        • it has be a contiguous selection (while the selection into the “Data Table” can be discontinuous)
        • The content copied that way can only be pasted within DG (will not be copied into the “Clipboard”).

        I suggest you experience with fake data before putting into practise…

        I hope this answers your request.



          Thank you for the reply.

          I was playing with your suggestion — which worked, by the way — and noticed that if,

          instead of doing command+C > command+P,

          I do command+C > drag cursor to the area below columns > command+P,

          the nested columns are copied.

          Sometimes one just has have a nudge in the right direction. 🙂

          Jean-Yves Le Stang

            Thanks for your information which I will try at the next opportunity

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          DataGraph Forums Technical Support Support Desk Copy & paste in Data Panel