Disappearing graphs

DataGraph Forums Technical Support Support Desk Disappearing graphs

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  • #4831
    clara bolton


      In need of some urgent help please!

      I have just opened a datagraph file with many graphs in it… and all of the lines in all of the graphs have disappeared (i.e. I cannot see the lines, yet the plots are still there in my window, and all the data are still there in the correct columns… I am a bit unsure what to try to recover my graphs (last night they were fine…). Here is a screenshot – as you can see none of the grahs have lines (but the range shading and annotations/legends are still there). I am happy to send the whole file by email.

      Thanks for any tips, maybe I am missing something really obvious (hope so!)

      Cheers, ClaraScreen Shot 2020-09-30 at 13.20.17


        Can you take a look at the corresponding data columns seeing if they are still there?

        clara bolton

          Replying to myself: I have figured out what has happened; it appears that the data column commands (for x and y in each plot in each graph) have all been shifted by 1 column –  I am not sure how this could have happened (because inserting rows does not do this…?). Is there any way to fix this (i.e. to shift all plots by -1 column), or do i need to go back to each graph and change the x and y column for every plot manually?


          clara bolton

            Yes they are still there – but all the columns have shifted, see above!


              Hi Clara,

              Could you email us the file to take a look? Go to the Help menu in DataGraph to send an email.



              clara bolton

                Hello, I am sorry to say this has happened to me again (a few times since my first post) and I really cannot figure out what is causing it (me I guess, somehow?), or how to fix it without re-selecting the correct data column (1 column up in the list) for each and every line/error bar in each composite plot (which is a lot, the way I work!).

                Is there a way of recovering the last saved version please of a file please? I just opened a DataGraph File to see that this had happened again, I closed it, but I guess it autosaved because when I reopen it is the last version.

                Any help gratefully received! Happy to email file if that helps.


                clara bolton

                  eta: I tried looking in the version history to restore an older version, but the same problem is present in all the previous versions (even though everything was correct when I was working on the file before today)…




                    If you can email the file that would be great.  Click the Help menu in DataGraph and select ask a question via email.

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                  DataGraph Forums Technical Support Support Desk Disappearing graphs