Also, you mentioned the colors not matching in the SVG. If you convert the color space to CMKY from the menu bar. ( Command > Act on all Commands > Change colors to CMKY ) this will change all the colors used in the selected graph to CMKY but the SVG file will still use the RGB colors. We might be able to get the SVG to CMKY as well, but the PDF colors are CMKY, just like the EPS file.
Here is a comparison of the same image exported from DataGraph in different formats and imported into Adobe InDesign. This is for an image with the color space changed to CMKY in DataGraph. Both the PDF and the SVG have the title showing correctly. The PDF also has the more muted colors, consistent with the CMKY color space. The SVG is still in the RGB color space.
We tested opening the EPS in Affinity Designer 2, and that program did NOT have a problem with the characters. So it is unclear to us why the EPS file is not read properly by Adobe InDesign.